Difference Between Bright Bar And Round Bar ?


What is a round bar?

Industrial and commercial applications of round bar stock include long, cylindrical metal bars. Shafts are the most common application. Diameter is typically used to measure the product. There are a wide range of diameters available, ranging from 1/4 inch to 24 inch. There may be other sizes available.

Different Grades

Carbon Steel Grades



Ck 45



Ck 55



Ck 60




0.08 max



Benefits of using Round Bar

Corrosion resistance:

All Round Bar products have a high corrosion resistance, enabling them to be used in a wide variety of environments. Additionally, it is resistant to fire and heat at high temperatures and pressures. Strongly alloyed grades can resist corrosion in most alkaline solutions, acids, and chloride bearing environments.

 Manufacturing ease:

With today’s advanced steel-making techniques, Round Bar can be forged, cut, machined, produced, and moulded as easily as traditional steel. As a result of its long useful life cycle, it often provides the least expensive content option.

 High and low temperature resistance:

At high temperatures, fire and heat resistance helps most grades retain their high power and prevent scaling.

Appealing to the eye:

Round Bar round bars are available in a variety of surface finishes. Simple and easy to maintain, it results in a sleek, attractive appearance. Round Bar appliances complement almost any kitchen design or style.

 Weight-to-strength advantage:

As a result of their authentic grades and work-hardening properties, they provide substantial reinforcement compared to high-strength duplex grades and cold-working alone. In addition to being able to use it over traditional grades with a reduced material thickness, it also results in cost savings.


In strict hygiene conditions such as hospitals, kitchens, and abattoirs, Round Bar is the best option. A round bar is one of the most hygienic surfaces available, so that any food that comes into contact with it will not attract dirt or germs.

 Round bar cycle:

In a life cycle cost analysis, round bar is often the least expensive option since it is robust, low maintenance, and requires little upkeep. To ensure a high quality of life, the products you use should not only meet professional performance requirements, but also have a long service life cycle, be practical in a variety of applications, and be environmentally sustainable. It should even be possible to recycle them 100 percent.

Round Bar Types

Metal round bars are exactly what they sound like; long, cylindrical bars. There are many different types of round bar available, including hot or cold rolled steel , stainless steel , aluminum , alloy steel , brass and more; and in diameters ranging from 1/4′′ up to 24”.

 Steel Round Bars

Steel round bars can be cold rolled or hot rolled. Typically, hot rolled round bars are used in construction applications where precision and finish aren’t important. On the other hand, cold rolled round bars are used where a superior surface finish and precise dimensions are required. Steel round bars are commonly used in frameworks, supports, braces, shafts, and axles.

 Stainless Steel Round Bars

Stainless Steel Round Bars are highly corrosion resistant. In chlorine-bearing environments or alkaline solutions, stainless steel will tolerate high levels of acidity.

 Aluminum Round Bars

Aluminum round bars are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and easy to machine and cut. Round aluminum bars are commonly used for supports, trim, shafts, braces, pins, and dowels.

 Brass Round Bars

Brass Round Bars are used when strength, electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, and spark resistance are important. When polished, brass has an attractive sheen and is easy to machine. Brass bar is used in marine hardware, instruments, fasteners, and fittings.

 HS Code

HSN Code

Product Description


Of circular cross section:


Bright bars:




Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel

round bar

What Is a Bright Bar?

Bright bars are steel bars with a precise geometrical shape and tight dimensional tolerances. Smooth and shiny, its surface appears bright. It is possible to use and apply bright steel bars in a variety of ways. Rounds, flats, hexagons, and squares are available.

Different Grades

  • ASTM A 276
  • ASTM A 314
  • ASTM A 582
  • ASTM A 484
  • ASTM A 476
  • ASTM Tolerance
  • DIN Tolerance

The Different Uses Of Bright Bars

  • Round bars are used in the production of fastener products like bolts, nuts, pins, and rivets. Depending on the application and custom requirements, these could be micro- to mega-sized. Round Bright Bars are ideal for machining and making fasteners used in ambiances or domestic applications.
  • In India and around the world, round bar manufacturers manufacture tools and implements for technicians and mechanics using high-grade stainless steel base material. For machining and fabricating custom tools in custom shapes and forms, round Bright Bars are a good choice.
  • Bright bars in different shapes and sizes are directly used for manufacturing machine components like the smaller ones in automobile engines. To make these machine components, the manufacturers supply high-quality stainless steel base products to ancillaries and brands.
  • Engineering and construction projects often use round and flat bars. Bright Bars’ modular products provide immediate stability and strength, allowing the project to be completed quickly.
  • Trellis, fences, and rails in buildings are made from square, round, and flat bright bars. Today, SS bright bars are in high demand for making fancy trellises and staircases.
  • In automobile frames and chassis, different grades of steel bright bars are used. As a result of the precise dimensions in which steel bright bars are made available by the manufacturers, all these uses have emerged. Quality SS bright bars ensure accuracy and stability in the applications mentioned above.

Types of Bright Bar

Angle Shape Cold Drawn Bright Bar

Capsule Shape Bright Bar

D Shape Bright Bar

Double Side Taper Bright Bar

DSL Bus Bar Profile

Half Round Bright Bar

Hex Bright Bar 

I Section Bright Bar

Isolates Triangle Bright Bar

Medical Implant Quality Bright Bar

MS Flat Bright Bar (Rolled from Billet)

Pawl Profile

Pawl Profile Bright Bar

Round Bright Bars (VSP Make)

 Scalene Triangle Bright Bar

 Snip Shape Bright Bar

 Special Steel Profile

 Steel Profile Bright Bars

 T Shape Bright Bar

 T -Shape Cold Drawn Bright Bar

 Tear Drop Shape Bright Bar

 Trapezoids Triangle Bright Bars

 Y Shaped Bright Bar

HSN Code for Stainless Steel Bright Bars

HS Harmonized System Codes were created by the World Customs Organization (WCO). HTS code in the USA, NCM code in Brazil, and HSN code in India are also known as HS codes in common.

First six digits of HSH Code, In all Countries are same.

HSH Code’s first six digits are the same in all countries. Nevertheless, some countries might add another two digits or four digits without modifying the first six digits, as part of the detailed product description process. Because of this, some countries have 8 HS Codes instead of 10 digitsBecause of this, some countries have 8 HS Codes instead of 10 digits.

First Four Digits Hs Code Bright Bar


Heading Codes

Heading Description


HS Codes Of Other Bars And Bright Bars Of Stainless Steel; Angles, Shapes And Sections Of Stainless Steel First Six Digits HS Code SS Bright Bar

 First Six Digits Hs Code Bright Bar

HS Codes

Products Description


HS Codes of Of circular cross section :


HS Codes of Other :


HS Codes of Bars and rods, cold-formed/cold-finished :


HS Codes of Other bars and rods :


HS Codes of Angles, shapes and sections :

 First Eight Digits Hs Code Bright Bar

HS Codes

Products Description


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Chromium type


HS Codes Classification of Nickel chromium austenitic type


HS Codes Classification of Other


HS Codes Classification of Of thickness of 80 mm and above


HS Codes Classification of Of below 80 mm


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